
Senior Wellness
To design a next generation wellness product for seniors based on addressing a specific need that enhances well being.
5 Weeks
Kimberly Snyder
Inspiration Credits
Amiti Arunmozhi, Kathryn Hoang, Alex Trimmingham, Kyle Hagerty, Andy Cho, Heidi Pineda Meza, Jett Lopez

An indoor planter that aids plant growth without full automation. It simplifies watering and has adjustable controls, ideal for arthritis or limited mobility.

Use AR to see Danji.

Open this page using safari on an iPhone.

Tap to view in AR

Scan a table or flat surface with your camera to see Danji in real life

Initial Research

Who is the
Target Demographic?

defining senior wellness
background information
target persona
Market Research

Searching for
Design Opportunities.

trends and insight
plant growth research
white space map
Concept Ideation

Analyzing Research,
Applying Solutions.

sketch ideation
form ideation
Model Prototyping

Planter modeling
and Development.

full scale prototype
final design candidate
physical modeling
User Testing

Crucial Feedback,
and Final Model.

prototype testing
technical drawings
Final Model

Design Decisions
and Context Shots

slider function
medium shot
model in context